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La chorera, 25 m de la calle principal, playas del Coco

summer-salt dive center

Diving the Guanacaste

La pratique de la plongee, comme tout autre activitee, peu comporter de risque que la plupart des assurance ne couvre pas. 

bullsark isla murcielagos
frog fish
moorish idol

A look into the waters of the Gulf of Papagayo in Playa del Coco, Costa Rica

A little bit of science !!

Diving on the North Pacific coast of Costa Rica is always a great moment, each dive is unique and full of surprises !! Whether you love macro or pelagic species, you will not be disappointed, the temperate waters of the ocean are home to many species as well as an impressive amount of underwater life. So come and discover its secrets and meet turtles, cetaceans, manta rays, bull sharks, seahorses, nudibranchs and why not a whale shark passing by !!

Curiously, this richness of marine life results from the trade winds which blow from the center of the continent towards the ocean and move large quantities of surface water for miles offshore. This displacement of water causes a resurgence effect of cold water from the depths of the ocean, rich in nutrients, eggs, larvae and other microorganisms, who provide an elaborate concentration of food for those who are "Higher" in the food chain.

This density of micro-life supports and nourishes dozens of phytoplankton and zooplankton species, hundreds of fish species, many types of cetaceans, 4 species of turtles and thousands of mollusks, crustaceans, algae, sponges, corals, jellyfish and anemones. Costa Rica's oceans are home to a total of 6,778 different species, or 3.5% of all known marine life. In other words, this marine territory represents barely 0.0016 of the total volume of the ocean, but includes 1 marine species out of 28 on the planet.

longtail stingray
frog fish
white tipped reef shark
poisson grenouille
bullshark bat's island
giant manta isla catalinas
school of grunt papagayo gulf
moorish idol
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