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(+506) 2670 0308

La chorera, 25 m de la calle principal, playas del Coco

summer-salt dive center

Open Water Diver

trip advisor

The Open water is your first step like a certificate diver and let you go diving around the world up to 18m. You want to discover a new world, make some bubbles and continuous to explore the ocean so this course is for you !! Your dive life start here so we took it really seriously and we will give you all the good reflex and knowledge you need to be a respectful and good diver !! 

If you already do a Padi Discover Scuba Diver or you got the the Padi Scuba Diver certification, contact us to see witch credit can be apply to the Open water Course.


What are the prerequisites?

This training is open to everybody, you need to know swimming and to be in good health so you will have to fill a Medical statement form, we can send it to you for prepare better your visit.
You can begin the courses at 10 years old, the kits who have between 10 and 15 years old will be certificate has Junior Open Water with a 12 m (36 ft) dive limit until they got 12 years old.
They will automatically upgrade Open Water Diver at 15 years old, it’s a beautyfull experience to live in family !!

Technical information about this course

3 to 4 Days
Total duration
10 hours
4 dives
Time Underwater
3 à 5 Heures
Pool time
18m - 60ft
10 years and more
All year

The times indicated are approximate, we adapt ourself to each student

What I'll going to do ?
open water course
frog fish

Our training dives are done during our daily dives trips, along the coast and to various other rocky outcrops which at maximum of 10-20 minutes by boat.

You will learn all the knowledge and tips about diving following a theory part, you have the choose to do it at home with the E-Learning who give you the opportunity to advance at your speed and have all your material in digital. Or you can have the Open Water book at the Summer-Salt Dive Center and follow the theory part with us at the dive shop. In any cases, ours instructors will be there to follow you, respond at you questions  and explain you all the important point.
You need to swim 200m without help and do a buoyancy skill at the surface.
You will also do a pool session with around 20 skills, you will learn to react well underwater, found your buoyancy and dive in security but having fun !!
Finally, you will go in the open ocean for 4 immersions to practices this techniques but of course enjoy the wonderful underwater world of the Papagaya Gulf !!

What is included in this course ?

No surprise !!

  • Complete diving equipment for immersions in swimming pools and in the ocean.

  • The OWD course digital book or the e-learning.

  • Direct supervision of an instructor during the entire course.

  • Pool session.

  • Two boat trips with 2 dives on each trips, refreshment and snacks.

  • Obtaining your OWD certification card and registration on the Padi site.

diving course

Ready to make bubble with us?

575 $

Summer-Salt prices include all diving equipment, certification fees, pool sessions, dives,material pedagogic  (digital book or e-learning) and all taxes...

No surprise, except for may be underwater

Do your theory online from home, or with one of our instructors at the dive center
clown shrimp
white tip reef shark
frog fish
discover scuba diving
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